• Why FoxFit?

    Great businesses solve customer problems ! With an industry that has a perspective on casting a broad net in hope to appeal to a mass market, with no clear specificity the typical result is a delivery that is watered down, not catering to the true needs of the real customer.

    It’s no surprise that the single service boutique sector is made up of majority female customers. Market research has found that one of the core reasons for this trend is that women are looking for a more upmarket intimate fitness experience free from the typical macho gym culture.

    In response FoxFit was born, a purpose built female exclusive upmarket studio, with a mission to create an energised environment to motivate women alike to move more frequently, inspiring women to elevate free from judgement or intimidation.

    Why FoxFit?
  • Industry Boom

    With health and vitality now more than ever being at the forefront of consumer needs this is driving a steady upward trend with a flow on effect creating strong surge in women highly motivated for a more personalised community fitness studio experience.

    We are currently experiencing an explosion of the fitness industry with the Australian market alone valued upward of 3.6 billion of which the single service boutique sector, the gender divide is dominated by a female audience.

    Our unique value proposition coupled with the landscape and timing provides you with a ticket to be part of this exciting investment opportunity to own your very own FoxFit studio.

    Industry Boom
  • Unique Investment

    After a decade of brand development and finessing, FoxFit will now be offering national franchise opportunities to aligned applicants. We want you to join us in being part of this exciting new growth chapter in the FoxFit movement as we take the Australian fitness world by storm.

    Our offer – we will be providing you with a user friendly turnkey solution to own your very own local FoxFit studio. Leveraging from our in demand highly aspirational brand, resources and end to end systems to assist you to get quick cut through into this industry and generate strong long term financial returns.

    Unique Investment
  • Top Design

    Environment forms our why and we understand the detail really matters when it comes to delivering exceptional customer experience and brand loyalty. With this in mind we have sweated over every detail of the studio design partnering with award winning designers to provide our studio owners with a design that is truly in a league of its own.

    We are now offering two styles of FoxFit turnkey studio solutions to suit your location and budget. Style 1 works on a smaller real estate foot print (200SQM) and lower investment buy in whereas style 2 caters to a larger space (300SQM) full services and higher earnings potential.

    To find out more and for the full FoxFit franchise prospectus booklet – let’s get in touch below. One of our customer representatives will be in touch to answer any questions that you may have at this stage of studio consideration.

    Top Design

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